A girl's scooter was set ablaze by her boyfriend for the second time in Porbandar

A girl's scooter was set ablaze by her boyfriend for the second time in Porbandar

Chakchari incident in the area near Satyanarayan temple

The knife-wielding boyfriend fled after seeing the police van, returned late at night and set the scooter on fire.

Porbandar: A police complaint has been filed after her boyfriend burnt the moped of a girl living near Satyanarayan Temple in Porbandar. Earlier, a year ago, this young man had been booked for burning the moped of a girl.

Riya Jeetubhai Goswami, a 10-year-old girl living near Satyanarayan Temple in Porbandar, has filed a police complaint against her boyfriend. In which it is stated that he and his mother Tarunaben and Jay Rathore were present in the show room below the house, when Chetan Gagubhai Parmar and Manal Dave came across the road with a knife and Riya was standing there, so Chetan said that he wants to kill you. So she ran to the upper room. And Manal snatched the knife from him. After that, both of them were standing there swearing and threatening to kill and burning the house and talking like that. When Riya immediately called X00 number, both of them were standing and seeing the police van number 100, they were taking the scooter. After that, Riya and all the members of the house went upstairs after locking the door. During that late night neighbor Yogeshbhai calls that your scooter is on fire.

So Riya and all the family members came to Agassi's balcony and saw that the scooter was burning, so they immediately called 100 number and the fire brigade and the fire brigade and police jeep came. After that he came to Kamalbag station with the police and registered the crime. In which the reason for the incident is stated that Riya had a friendship with Chetan earlier and it is not happening anymore so that Riya does not go when he calls, due to which Chetan and his friend Manal Dave came with a knife and threatened to kill her again. Sometimes such a scooter has been damaged by burning, so a standard police complaint has been filed against him. It is worth mentioning that this Riya Goswami had burnt her scooter by her boyfriend a year or so ago. A police complaint was filed about it. Then again the crime of burning one more scooter has been filed against Chetan Gagu Parmar.



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